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Saturday, September 29, 2007

Introductions are in order

Instead of giving you a long, drawn out introduction, I'll keep it simple. My name is Clint, I live in Vegas and I've been watching football for 10 years. Now for the meat an potatoes of the blog. Well, more like meat or potatoes, whichever you decide to call it. My thoughts and opinions on the season so far broken down team by team in the AFC. I'll work on the NFC tomorrow for the sake of time and not boring you to death with a long read.

Buffalo Bills - Honestly, does anyone else think Dick Jauron looks like a zombie? Doesn't help that he's a bad coach as well. I don't know what his contract status is but I'm sure that its not anywhere in the green. Also, JP Losman needs to step it up. He's been given time and he's made strides but when you don't win games (at least one of your first 3) then thats saying something. You've got to be able to make something with Lee Evans and Parrish. Now I'll give them the fact that their defense took a big hit losing both Nate Clements and Takeo Spikes but thats no reason for the offense not clicking. Get it together Buffalo, at least Jim Kelly could get to the Super Bowl and lose 4 years and a row, it'll be a miracle if you make it to the playoffs!

Miami Dolphins - Trent Green? Really? He gives you the best chance to win. So you're record has to be something respectable so far right? Oh...0-3. Not to mention Trent Green is playing just plain bad. Ronnie Brown is pulling a Vince Young and putting that team on his back to make plays and keep them in it offensively. Ted Ginn's so called "immediate impact" is nowhere to be found and the receiving core isn't getting many chances due to age and bad play from Green. Joey Porter was a nice offseason acquisition but Jason Taylor hasn't played near his level in the first 3 games, and Zach Thomas has a concussion. This team is in shambles and I don't think Cam Cameron knew what he was getting himself into. I hope they give him proper time to take this team, draft well and give it a few years to grow. Lets just hope he doesn't jump ship due to a few losing seasons they'll have over the next few years.

New England Patriots - Domination anyone? Not since the 96 Packers has a team started 3-0 and beaten opponents by the amount they have. Tom Brady is still Tom Brady, Randy Moss turned back the clock and shook off the Oakland rust, Wes Welker is finally able to showcase his abilities on a better team, the defense is coming up big, and everything is seeming to click in New England. And with the spygate scandal they are even more determined to show not only the league but also their fans, they won those Super Bowls, and they can win it again. I've got them penciled in right now considering their only competition I foresee for them is Pittsburgh and Indianapolis in the AFC.

New York Jets - Love the coach, but the team is leaving something to be desired so far. The QB position is a little shaky. I know Chad Pennington has a mind for football unlike most, and he is a touch passer lesser to none but for some reason he just isn't the answer for them and I don't think Kellen Clemmons is either. I could be wrong but neither one of them scream FRANCHISE to me. Its probably because they're in New York. At least they aren't 0-3 but they really need to step it up if they want to make it to the post season again. They're gonna have a decent running game with Thomas Jones and Leon Washington and the passing game should be great with guys like Coles and Cotchery. And just so I can get it out there, New York fans kind of suck. Impatient, loud, aggressive and unnecessarily mean. I understand that you're New Yorkers and everything that I mentioned is ok but still, maybe if instead of berating your team every time they lose and learning to be patient you might enjoy the game a little more.

Baltimore Ravens - I don't really like or dislike the Ravens. They are just a team with a good defense thats been looking for an offensive answer for a while now. McNair is good but he's older, and Boller looks to be their future for at least the interim. I truly believe if they let Troy Smith have a shot, he might due great things for them. They need to get a marquee receiver, someone like Steve Smith who can be a playmaker in all forms for them on offense. Like I mentioned their defense is great. Lots of fast, physical guys who know how to get to the ball. Adding McGahee from the Bills I thought would be a definite boost but for some reason he hasn't bloomed like I thought he would. I'll give him time though because going to a new team brings a new way of playing. If they can get him going on all cylinders, then they will be a force to be reckoned with.

Cincinnati Bengals - Explosive offense, god awful defense. Palmer is one of the top 5 QBs in the league and with Johnson and TJ on your outside, you've always got a viable open man for the most part. Once Chris Henry comes back the offense will definitely spread out and make an even bigger impact. Their O-line is becoming aged and is showing in their first 3 games. Palmer has had to make bad decisions under pressure and Rudi, while running for decent numbers, hasn't had the success that they'd hoped for. Not to mention he's now injured. Leon Hall will prove his worth this year starting as a rookie and I think he can succeed in time. Once their defense decides to stop playing at a college level (which may not happen this year) then their chances for making a post season appearance will increase dramatically.

Cleavland Browns - Easily had the best draft snagging not only the best O-Lineman but also getting the best QB in Brady Quinn. I think Romeo is doing the right thing in sitting Quinn for a year but he needs to be the starter next year or he might not be able to have as much of an impact on the team as they'd like him too. Trading the waste of space Frye was a great move and putting Anderson under center is like having Frye 2.0, he's better but not by a whole hell of a lot. Their receiving core is solid, especially with sure hands Joe. Winslow and Edwards have only gotten better. Running wise I think they need to draft a college hotshot next year. Jamal is decent but he isn't the shot in the arm that they need. Lord willing if they can get a low enough spot they can grab Darren McFadden. They've improved the line and their defense is coming into their own with draft picks from previous years stepping up. This may not be a winning season but the potential should give Romeo at least another year to try and improve things to avoid getting canned.

Pittsburgh Steelers - New coach, same attitude. They're playing some of the best football I've seen. Its balanced, its solid, and its winning them games. Willie Parker is having a coming out year all over again showing he is an every down back and even though he's small, he will make an impact. Big Ben isn't having to throw as much which is the right formula to have them win. The defense is staying under Labeau which was a smart move by Tomlin. If anyone can give New England a run for their money this year, its Pittsburgh.

Houston Texans - Matt Schaub, welcome to a starting job and a town that has been awaiting a QB like you for a long time. Now I'm not saying it was all Carr's fault because their line was dreadful but you look at Schaub and its seemingly like he has become THE leader on that team within 3 games. He's accurate and while he has his picks, he is still on the majority of making good decisions. Jacoby Jones is an excellent rookie and once Andre is back from injury, their fortunes will continue to grow. I think like Cleavland they need to draft a college hotshot in the draft. Green is good, but with age comes injury issues (as we've seen). They aren't the same Texans. Especially when Mario Williams is playing well, Demeco Ryans picked up where he left off and Omobi Akoye is making an immediate impact. Their post season chances are slim but if any team can surprise it seems like this one.

Indianapolis Colts - They're the champs and so far they've been playing like champs. Peyton is still the best QB in the league. Harrison and Wayne are the best WR tandem, Addai has stepped it up with the overrated Rhodes leaving for Oakland, and most of all their defense has emerged as a surprise. Losing Harper, David, June, and Reagor doesn't seem to phase them. Thats Tony Dungy for you though, the guy knows how to build a defensive team. Its taken a little longer in Indy but these guys are solid draft picks from previous years who are proving their right to start. I don't think they'll repeat especially with the great play of Pittsburgh and New England but they won't go down without a fight for sure.

Jacksonville Jaguars - Jack Del Rio is one of my favorite coaches. I think he can lead the Jags to big things and he has certainly shown his effectiveness in the defensive area. He took the first step in moving forward by getting rid of Leftwich. I don't see anything in Leftwich besides an arm with a lot of strength and no touch. And he moved to Atlanta where the o-line and receivers are worse...good luck there. Garrad isn't the permanent answer but next year's draft is prime to serve up a lot of potential QBs and it would be in Jacksonville's best interest to take one early. With decent receivers and a dangerous potential at the running back position, they can take it the distance with enough sharp games and big plays.

Tennessee Titans - So far so good. 2-1 is better than last year's start and Vince Young hasn't been injured yet. Not to mention he's improve dramatically as a passer. Theres a lack of good receivers in Tennessee but they've got Scafe and other decent guys who can get the job done. As far as the running back position, again its average with White and Brown. They've had some good games so far but as far as taking it the distance in the season I feel that they're gonna need to see an even bigger step in improvement from those guys. Defense is seemingly the strong point with veteran leadership and a desire to succeed. Jeff Fisher has a good team this year but it'll be another couple years before their considered elite. As long as Young comes along and the team plays at the high level they can only go up.

Denver Broncos - Cutler is still 50/50 with me. Yeah, he hasn't had a lot of starts I know but it seems as if he makes costly mistakes in EVERY game to put his team on the thresh hold of losing every week. Close games against Buffalo and Oakland? Are you kidding me? Their defense is leaving a lot to be desired as well. Dre Bly has still got time to prove he belongs and no one is throwing Champ Bailey's way but they've got almost no pass rush and a below average linebacking core. Their best acquisition has got to be Travis Henry from Tennessee. Denver is known for making nobodies at the RB into elite runners but Henry was certainly not a nobody. So far he's put up stellar numbers and come through big when they needed him. This isn't the Denver of 97-98 but in time it could be. Cutler needs to sharpen up (I think he will) and the defense needs to play better (should come in time).

Kansas City Cheifs - Wow...where to start? Horrible QBs, destroyed offensive line, depleted running game from one of the top backs in the league, receivers not getting open or making plays, and a abysmal defense. Sure, they've got a win but it was a lucky one at that. This team needs a lot of help and the first place to focus is on the offensive line. Without that, they're offense is going nowhere no matter who's under center or at the RB position. This year won't be pretty but its up to Herm Edwards to attack the free agency market next year as well as drafting well to get this team improved quickly.

Oakland Raiders - Hey, they've got a win and thats a start. Just 2 more and they'll have more wins this year than they did next year and that'd make Kiffin a success if not just labled as an improvement. Why they started Josh McCown really boggled my mind. Yeah he had been their longer but he's about as useful as a scared puppy when it comes to the QB position. No confidence, no poise, no touch, little power, bad decision making, no mobility...yikes. Daunte is the new starter for week 4 and I think he'll shine a lot more than he did last year. The o-line got rebuilt and he's had a full year to recover from his knee surgery. He won't be lighting it up considering he doesn't have any primetime receivers but he'll truly give them the best chance to win. Oakland's defense has been stellar so far in my mind this season and their games are a lot closer now so the defense doesn't have to suddenly become superman to take it upon themselves to win. Their future is up in the air but its really in their hands so we might see a resurgence in raider nation, only time will tell.

San Diego Chargers - Easily the biggest disappointment in the AFC. They've already lost as many games as they did last year and they are one of the most out of sync teams in the league (behind only New Orleans in my mind). LT isn't getting any opportunities considering they run him up the gut all the time. Get him in space! Thats where he makes his money and gets the paydirt for your team! Also open it up to him in the flat. He catches better than any other RB in the league but not when Rivers is throwing it early or to his head. Rivers has a lot of upside but he seems very edgy and nervous so far this season. The Green Bay game showed his patience early but he crumbled late. He just needs to calm down, focus and go back to his tapes last year and study how confident he was. Also, Norv Turner was a bad choice for head coach. He may have all the weapons now unlike his previous head coaching jobs but the guy just doesn't seem like a viable head coach option. They'll more than likely bounce back into the post season but with new O and D coordinators they won't make it far. Hopefully things will mesh this year and be ready to go full force next year.

Well thats it for the AFC. Phew, my hands are tired. I really hoped you enjoyed. Any comments (positive or negative) would be great seeing as this is my first real blog. NFC analysis for the year so far should be up tomorrow night and then all of week 4's action and the real kickoff to the blog should be up Monday. Thanks for reading!

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